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Overwhelming Truth

I beginning to feel the crunch. There are only so many days left until Onyx launches and I’m still writing the darn thing. This has been one of the hardest stories to write ever since my grandmother and uncle passed away in December. It’s as if their deaths stripped away my creativity for a while and I haven’t fully recovered. Depression is a hard beast to conquer.

Still, I sit in my office every day and hammer something out. As Stephen King said, “Amateurs sit and wait for inspiration, the rest of us just get up and go to work.”. With that in mind I no longer write while wearing pajamas or leggings. They are too comfortable. I want to curl up, sleep, and dream the stories. Now I dress to go to work like I did when I had a nine to five. Shoes on. Hair done. The works. This was suggested to me by my therapist, and it works.

The first day I tried it I wrote close to five thousand words. Then I forgot how I did it. Depression gets me almost every time.

On top of the book, I’ve been working out to lose weight for a surgery. So, I’ve felt overwhelmed and took it out on the couch after a hearty workout.

I won’t lie to you. I’m worried about making the deadline. I may have to push the pre-order out for another thirty days. Which means everything will get pushed back by a month. Onyx. Virus Within wouldn’t be available until May. It suuuuuucks.

Wish me luck. I’ll keep you posted. I’m sorry.

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